Friday, September 1, 2023


 Welcome to my blog.

This is a new venture for me...blogging. Normally I write novels. I'll share my novels with you and let you know what I'm writing. And I'll let you know when I have them on sale also. Because we all love a good deal, am I right?

I'll let you know what I'm reading. If I love a book I'll shout it from the rooftops. I won't tell you what I don't care for because not every novel is everyone's cup of tea. I want to hear what you're reading. Do you read thrillers? Romance? Paranormal? I love it when someone shares a book they loved so I can read it, too.

I'm slightly technologically challenged so bear with me if this page isn't at its best. It's a work in progress and I'm still learning.

I've listed on my books page all the books I've written. They are all available on Amazon. Some in kindle unlimited, some not. Several are wide and are listed on Apple, Google, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble.

Let's have some fun!

Follow me on BookBub    and Goodreads

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